STEP 3: Remember who you are: Go With Grace and Peace in Abundance as an Ambassador of Jesus.
STEP 4:Be-On-The-Lookout for God All Summer... Asking, "Where Did I See God Today?"
STEP 5: Capture a God-story to celebrate on September 8th (ex: make a note, snap a selfie, draw a picture)
other ideas to consider
Take time to Encounter Christ in nature.
Explore the word and prayer in a new location or time of day. Worship with family.
Embrace your identity – ask the Holy Spirit for power and deeper love of Jesus.
Find a creative way to Encourage One Another.
Love your neighbor with a concrete action (at the lake, campground, or home).
Experiment with being a ‘BLESS’ing: (Be a Blessing to a Neighbor or Friend) - Begin with prayer: Pray with hopeful expectation for a friend who is far from God. - Ask an honest question and Listen with Care: What is the story of your faith journey? Do you think there is a God? Where do you see God in daily life? Have you ever had good or bad experiences with Christians or the church? - Eat together – share a summer grill-out. - Serve with Love. Meet a need. Jump into a project together with your neighbors. - Share your story: as you are about Jesus and how you've needed Him lately.
Take part in our Summer Book Club. Read the book over the summer (Fight: A Christian Case for Non-Violence) Join us for a light supper and discussion on September 8th.