Sunday Schedule:
We gather for worship in person at 9:30 am and livestream of the service is available for those who cannot be here. Click on the link below for our YouTube channel.
Grace Covenant YouTube channel
We have Coffee Fellowship following the service and Sunday School for youth and adults will start following Fellowship.
Email us at to get the details.
9:30 am Worship Gathering
10:45ish Coffee and Snacks
11:15am - 12:15pm: Classes by Age including
- Preschool
- Elementary
- Jr/Sr High
- Adult Classes (2)
Why are some doors locked?
We lock the doors by the nursery at 9:40ish on Sunday mornings for a bit of extra security. The doors by the sanctuary remain open. So, if you (like many of us) tend to arrive just-a-little-bit behind schedule, plan to park and use the northwest door (with the doorbells).